Saturday, October 23, 2010

I'm a Struggla

So if you know me, you probably know that I'm not one of those happy camper people that loves to get out and enjoy nature. Don't get me wrong, I love observing nature ... I just prefer it while I'm on a snowboard. But everyone around here is constantly inviting me to enjoy the great outdoors of southern Virginia ... an invitation to which I succumbed to this weekend. Please keep in mind that I haven't been camping since Young Womens ... unless the Jensen's RV counts. No, of course it doesn't count ... that is sleeping on a moving house. The shot to the right is of the bridge that led over to our campground. And the shot below is of the river that was right next to our campground. For some reason, it reminds me of the river from "O' Brother, Where Art Thou?". I know, very random.

So a bunch of us from the Singles Ward took to the woods to have a little camp out. We roasted hot dogs, ate s'mores, and played truth or dare until midnight. Good times. The location was beautiful and very picturesque. And thank the high heavens, there weren't many bugs.

The men got a pretty good fire going, so we didn't have to worry about heat ... until later. Once we finally got to bed, I realized why I don't camp very often. It was freezing. I was uncomfortable. I wanted to just shut myself up in my mummy sleeping bag, but apparently my body also needs oxygen along with heat. So I tossed and turned for about an hour, and then I fell asleep for what felt like a second. I woke up about three times over the course of the night ... Oh, how I love a good camp out. I was once again reminded of the fact that I would have been one of the mediocre pioneer women.

But even though I'm a wuss, I struggled through it ... and I had a good time. I got to know some really cool people in my ward, and I didn't die. So what more can you ask for? I can only figure that the more you do it, the more fun it gets. Maybe? One thing I'm sure of: the Lord will give me the Camp Leader calling one day, and I will just have to suck it up and deal with it. But lets be honest, I was made for the 21st century.


  1. I agree... I very much love and appreciate nature on the slopes! But camping ain't all that bad right? I'm glad you survived! It feels like we haven't seen you in forever!

  2. You obviously get your love of camping from your Auntie...Holiday Inn Express..

  3. Camping is the worst thing EVER!!! Right?!?! You definitely won't see me bunking up in the mountains unless it's in a nice, warm cabin.

  4. Abs, I am so proud of you for going camping. When in Rome do as the Romans do ... Beautiful pictures. I am glad you found a fun costume:)
