Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mis Primitos

So I just wanted to put up some of my favorite pictures of my little cousins. They are the absolute cutest kids ever, and it has been such a privilege to watch them grow. They're all so different and they each have their own unique personalities. I apologize, because Bubba has the most face time in this post, but it's because I've been around him the most. They're my family ... and I love 'em. I wish that one day we could all live in a cul-de-sac, so all of our kids could play together. Just an idea.

This was the final cousins picture before Elder Lyman left. Notice the green Care Bears in the pic. They were the highlight of the vaca.

My Walnut Creek cousins.

Bubba with Dad at Rich and Eileen's wedding.

Corbin ... ready to punch me out at MDB.

The boys playing on Granty's longboard.

Bubba and Cohen striking poses at Wyatt and Jen's wedding.

Henry is one of the happiest kids I know.

My mom and I with little Camryn Annette.

Bubba and Jo being gangsta.

Possibly my favorite Bubba pose of all time. Haha. With the legs crossed ... enough said.

Sister Suzy makes the BEST faces.

I LOVE this picture. Garrett loves imitating little Callie Marie.

The kiddies and I kickin on the grass at MDB. Looks like Callie might have just downed a Diet Coke. Haha.

This is one of my favorite pics of Livi ... she was most likely sick of my kissing her by the end of this trip.


  1. Why does that picture of Bryce with his legs crossed totally remind me of Mason? Thanks for the shout out to Henry. You're the best Auntie ever!

  2. Those pics are so fun. I love every one of them. Good jarb!!!

  3. Well this is just making me miss my Utah days sorely!! Such a hard move!! Wouldn't trade those memories for the world!
