Sunday, July 11, 2010

District of Columbia with the Curran's

This week I had the privilege of going up to DC with the Curran's. We had a blast. But it was HOT. And HUMID. First, they came up and visited me in Pulaski, and were able to attend a couple of games at the ball park. I roped them into doing an on-field activity (frozen t-shirt contest) and Eileen won. Check out the vid below. Then on Wednesday we headed up north to the nation's capital. Dick had an interview Thursday morning with the Army Corp of Engineers and I'm pretty positive he's got the job in the bag :) I mean, how do you not love Richard? After that we let loose. We walked all over DC ... visiting the temple, the mall, the museum of natural history, the library of congress, Ford's theater, and then ending up at the Nationals v. Giants game at National Park. I can't seem to get away from baseball, even on vacation I'm going to games.

The Curran's with our mascot, Slider the fox. Livi girl wasn't a huge fan.

Rich after his interview. I just thought that building title was cool.

My favorite President, Abe

Bridge over to Arlington Cemetary

The coolest gallery at the Museum of Natural History ;)

The Washington DC Temple

One of the sealers told Rich and I that over a quarter of a million people went through this temple at it's open house. They had to replace the carpets because so many people had walked through.

So beautiful ... the temple, that is. I, on the other hand, was a sweaty mess at this point. Never wear a long sleeve shirt in DC in July. BAD IDEA.

The cutest little girl in the grocery store.

This was her first time riding in one of these car shopping carts. She was all over that thing.

Abe and I. I had to get a picture of the grin on his face. Haha.

Sissy loves her stroller.

Us at Ford's Theater. Notice the presidential box Lincoln was shot in behind us. Makes the pic kind of the killjoy, doesn't it ...

Me and my boy Michael. This was the display at Madame Tussuad's. We HAD to get a pic and sign the book.

Dining at the Hard Rock Cafe. The cobb salad was delish. I definitely recommend it.

Posing with the Moai statue. My fellow Chileans would be proud.

In front of the Library of Congress. Ya know, the one in National Treasure 2.

These definitely were NOT our seats. But we didn't get kicked out of them until the 7th inning, which wasn't bad. Who shows up to a baseball game in the 7th inning, really?

One of the Nationals mascots, George.

Watching the Giants warm up.

Yeah, you read that right ... It's a MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL. I caught a foul ball after we got kicked out of our seats. It was off the bounce and I scooped it up like a routine grounder. Rodg would have been proud.

Rich and Eileen at the Mariners game.

DC Temple

Learning Korean at the Museum of Natural History.


  1. Stop making me jealous with all these pictures of places and people I wish I could see!

  2. Once again....Coveting your summer!!!

  3. We had so much fun! Do move back out west, k!
    :-) We love having you close!

  4. Typo... I meant to say DON'T move back out west :-)I haven't mailed out those pics yet- I just found my camera this morning! PS... where was the statue of Lincoln with the grin. Haha- missed that one!

  5. You already want me to move back Eileen? Hahaha ;) The Abe statue was in the museum below Ford's theater ... so you probably didn't see it because Sissy was having a little breakdown.
