Monday, February 7, 2011

Workin' Nine to Five

I don't really work 9 to 5 ... I actually work 10 to 4 on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Granted, it is the off season. When the season actually gets here, it's gonna get crazy. But seriously, I have the greatest job in the work. Some people had been asking me about where I worked, so I'm posting a few pics from this past season. The window to my office is on the far right of the press box. When you have a little bit of money in the bank, I implore to come out to Pulaski and enjoy a game at Calfee. PLUS, I can get you in for freeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Above is the cover of this past season's program. That's where I work.

This little Seattle gnome sits in my office. I don't know where it came from, but I like it.

These are our open-air suites along the first base line. We have about 50 people/businesses on a waiting list to get one of these ... probably because they are CHEAP. You can get one of these for $1,500 for the season. And that gets you 10 tickets a game for 34 home games. DEAL.

Shot from the grandstand on the 4th of July.

Shot of the Southwest Times Family section.

The guy on the bottom right in the black shirt is a die-hard. He would have me translate between him and Ramon before almost every game. He would offer him food, cash, or even a date with his granddaughter (anything you could imagine). After I told Ramon what he said, Ramon would always look at me weird and say, "No, thank you". Haha. Priceless.

Shot from the top of the grandstand. The big building with the green roof contains the concessions kitchen and in the back is where the clubhouse is, along with offices and training rooms. It's a quiant little park, but I love it.

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful there! Can't wait until the season starts up again!
