Monday, November 8, 2010

Abby's Favorite Things

Why is Oprah the only one who gets to do this? I decided I wanted to talk about a few of my current favorite things. And you can read about my favorite things to one of my favorite songs: "Little L" by Jamiroquai. I know it's random, but I love it. And it's fun to snowboard to. Anyway, I thought I would start with one of my favorite TV dramas ... Law and Order SVU. It's a gem. It's been going for 12 seasons. You can't stop this force. The chemistry between the two main characters (Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler) is magnetic. Sometimes it's a bit hard to watch because the story lines are sad, but the actors are so good! The best Law and Order on TV.

I have never liked Andre Agassi. I was more of a Pete Sampras fan, but not really. That wasn't really my time. Almost everyone knows I would take a bullet for Roger Federer .... but I decided to read this anyway (after my cousin Mason gave me the idea). I was looking for a book, so hey, why not? I literally read half of the book on my way down to Chile. The media has always portrayed Agassi as rebellious, unrefined tennis player. This book gave me a clear look into the kind of person he really is. He starts off the book by stating that he hates tennis, and has since he was little. And then the whole book basically revolves around the fact that he was somewhat forced into this career. Even though he hated it, it helped mold him into the person he is. I was impressed and pleasantly surprised by this autobiography.

The greatest thing A&E ever did was a mini-series/movie of Pride and Prejudice. The brilliance behind this 5 1/2 hour depiction of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice are the performances by the two main actors, Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth. Another reason why it's so successful is because there is enough time allowed to really develop the characters, just like the book does. I'm not a huge fan of Kiera Knightley ... and I'm even less of a fan of Matthew Macfadyen (the current Elizabeth/Darcy couple) ... So the most recent P&P just doesn't measure up. My teacher in junior high was OBSESSED with this movie. We watched it over the span of a couple weeks. I was hooked. No one can measure up to the charisma of Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy. And you'd be surprised to know that Morgan is also a P&P fan. Just a side note.

My current favorite color is sea green, or Mariner green for you Seattle fans ;) Many of you know that my all-time favorite color is green in general, but I go through phases where I become obsessed with different shades. Somehow, I have recently found shirts in this color ...? Weird. But it's fun. I also found a sea green scarf the other day. Me and this color were meant to be ... this way I can support my team and wear the color I want :)


  1. Abby, what the heck? How have we not been bonding for years now? Law & Order: SVU, are you kidding me? It's a total favorite, and it has the best music of all the L&O's, too. I have been addicted since Phil & I married. Pride & Prejudice - LOVE. Who doesn't, really, but I am a sucker for loooong Jane Austen/Charolotte Bronte movies (have you SEEN the BBC Jane Eyre???). And sea green, it's always my favorite color to wear, and our bedroom walls are painted a grayish sea green, I highly recommend it for a soothing effect. Why did you have to move to Virginia and get a blog for us to discover these common loves in our lives?

  2. Hahaha. I have NOT seen the BBC Jane Eyre! We'll have to create another viewing party, which is fine by me. How have I not seen your sea green walls? And believe me, had I known we were twins separated at birth ... I wouldn't have moved to VA. Lame. BUT, we should start planning that Christmas party we were talking about!

  3. Love it!! All of it:) Wish we were closer to watch P&P, how many times did we watch that Freshman year at BYU?! Sea Green is such an Abby color... my mind is going wild with all the wedding possibilities:) Love you. Miss you.
