Monday, October 10, 2011

Homeward Bound

I seriously have the coolest family. 

This is what we love to do ... we love to play tennis. So something we do each year to commemorate that love is our annual family tennis tournament: Lymbledon. We all suit up in our best outfits to compete for ultimate tennis glory ... and a year's worth of bragging rights. The 2011 winner: Gare the California Bear.

We also had the opportunity to go down and celebrate my mom's 50th birthday down in Manti, Utah. Mom's birthday wish was to have all her kids in the temple, so we made it happen. After doing a session, Hal and G did baptisms ... So wonderful! Such an amazing trip home. 

First round madness. I love the mountains in this picture.

We were quite lucky that the camera didn't fall. From the looks of it, it was about to.

Mawa celebrating the big 5-0. Isn't she beautiful?

Mom scored us free tickets to the Owlz game. Good times.

But really, the burgers didn't hold a candle to ours. Sorry, Owlzzzzzz.

Outside the Manti Temple

The MEN outside of the hotel

The pictures started out normal ....

And then they got crazy.

Then they each wanted a turn.

The Asian was obviously the lightest of the bunch.

You're able to ride around like this in Mt. Pleasant :)

Lunch at Rodgers! (And most importantly, Rodger is spelled correctly) And WHAT!!! The special is the Bishop Shake? I still think we should have gotten our food half off since we brought Bishop Rodger ;)

You KNOW that the locals probably thought we were nuts.

Halbal's turn

Cutest player on the team. Grant got to play some games at the Owlz ballpark while I was there. 

I taught him everything he knows.

Grant "Cute Butt" Lyman up to bat


  1. So fun!! I had no idea about your cute family tournament ... my dad will be so jealous when I tell him about it! Your family always makes me smile! :) We need to catch up girl!

  2. Best post EVER! You do have the coolest family ever. Period.
