Friday, June 3, 2011

M to the D to the B

It was another wonderful MDB in good 'ol Oak City. And this time, we got to bring a new addition to the family ... (soon to be) Mrs. Talia Lyman. Well, she hasn't officially been added to the family yet ... I guess that will happen on June 30th. But we had a blast ... and the coolest part was seeing my family advertise for the Pulaski Mariners :) The place was crawling with Mariners shirts and hats. They can't help it, it's a great team.

Here's a shot of the Blaine Lyman group. Que guapo el grupo, no?

Best sourdough pancakes in the state.

This was the beautiful sight we had on the way to the breakfast. It was probably the first time Talia had ever gotten up at 6:00 am on her birthday. Such a good sport.

Stud. We all dared Riley to jump into the pool at like 11:00 pm ... and the chump actually did it. Ha. The Punjabi guy came and kicked him out within 5 minutes. Please note that they've got cameras everywhere at the Days Inn pool.

Taking a break to get their eat on.

Grant = Master of the MDB drink section

The group hanging out in the kitchen

THAT has got to be against the health code. But that's the sacrifice everyone in town has to make to get a good cup of Tang.

Little Joshua Morgan ... just lovin' life.

The cutest trio of runners

Henry took a crack at Tang mixing ... he's a natural.

COUSINS ... and I only wish Morgan knew how to use the zoom on my camera.

Do I look like her? I think we have the same smile.

Oh my gosh ... this pic is so great. I was trying to get some good shots of Hal, and this lady thought I was taking a picture of her. Haha.

I spy with my little eye ... a bad toupee.

G-Money is so relaxed ... such a seasoned drinkmaker.

Big G with Lil' G

What's going on Rodg?

We had to support Hodg's eye handicap. We love you Papi.

Podemos unirnos por siempre otra vez ...

Just look at this beautiful couple. They got married this past weekend in the Draper Temple ... and it was all my idea. Ha. From the moment I met Mr. Bradley Glenn, I knew he would be perfect for my best friend. I seriously called this marriage 2 years ago, and I'm very proud of it. (Can you tell?)

Everything was beautiful ... especially the couple.

Coming out of el templo ...

Haha, nice face.

FRIEND picture!

Me, the bride, Hermana Emery, and the famous Brooke from NYC

The reception was at Sun River Gardens in Orem, and it was gorgeous.

Hehe ... nice face Johnson.

He seriously had his face under her dress for like 5 minutes.

Mejores amigas por siempre

These two were made for each other.

Mother and Daughter ;)

"Honk if you're doing it tonight!" -Brad's car